Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Computer meltdown

So, the difference between the grades 2 and 3 and Preschool-1st is that the 2nd and 3rd graders are supposed to use mobile laptops computers, stored at a "mobile" laptop station. The station is too heavy to move, nor are the computers stored in an area with wheels. So grades 2-3 have to go to one of the third grade classrooms and properly remove the computer at the beginning of class, and then put it back at the end of class. This is a bit disruptive for Ms. Rowe, our third grade teacher whose classroom stores the laptops. Instead, the second grade is using my computer lab because it will give the kids more time to actually use the computer.

The network went down this morning because there was a power outage last night. What this meant was that at 7:30 (for my 8:20 class), I tried from 7:30-7:45/7:50 to get any of the laptops up and running, but to no avail. I couldn't find lessons to do because I have no access to the internet, and I couldn't access any computer games because they are all stored on the network. So, I improvised. Third graders came into my classroom and just worked on Microsoft word. I got an idea of their typing skills, and those who are more capable typers played with fonts, sizes, and colors. The difficulty was that not all of the computers in the lab had word stored on them. This was quite enjoyable to find out 5 minutes before class.

Second graders played in paint and created their own images in paint. Luckily by the time first grade was up to bat, the network miraculously went back up and I just had them play a game.

Now I'm going to take a class picture of each section (instead of individual head shots), and I'm assigning the children seats, so I will know who is where. Kids will know where to go in the beginning of class, and the routines will be enforced. Also, I can keep the disruptive kids separated from each other too.

I took some pictures of my apartment and may post them later today if I have time. Does anyone actually read this thing?


Anonymous said...

i read it


Anonymous said...

Clearly, I read this!


Life Called said...

I read this, when I have internet access. I am super jealous about how much cooler your life is than mine, and am impressed by the way you're picking up Shanghainese (which is actually another name for it- oh China. what a ridiculous lie it is that you all speak an unified language).

Anonymous said...

Hi I read all of it and am enjoying your life too. I just learned how to make a comment on your blog. Love you, Mom